The Need
Many children and families still live in poverty in Cambodia. They need sustainable support to create a real change in their lives.
Our Approach
We support local projects that offer chances to children, their parents and communities to build a future for themselves.
Our Impact
We work with local contacts who visit and evaluate these projects. We use strict criteria in these evaluations.
“Children deserve the opportunity to develop their potential”
Who do we support?
We support projects that create chances for children and their families through education and development programs, so that underprivileged children in Cambodia can reach their full potential. The projects we support take a holistic view and always work in close collaboration with the local communities.
As ECHO grows, more projects will be selected that deserve our support, and yours.
How do we select?
We only support progressive and transparent organizations. ECHO works through local contacts, who visit and evaluate projects in South East Asia free of charge. They assess whether these organizations can prove the success of their approach. They also check the transparency and ethical standards of the organizations, and whether they implement the latest guidelines and comply to current best practices.
All donations to ECHO go straight to these, carefully selected, organizations.